Thursday 12 February 2015

Additional research into music publishers.

Additional research magazine publishers

 The first institution that I would use to publish my magazine is Bauer Media. Bauer Media reaches over 22 million UK adults every week. My target audience for my music are late teens to young adults, as in my questionnaire the majority of the people that completed my survey where 16-24 therefore I feel I need to cater this magazine around them in order to sell copies. Bauer Media reaching out to adults it’s great for my magazine as I know they are targeting the audience I need to be targeted.
Bauer began back in 1953 with the launch of Angling Times and the 1956 Motor Cycle News, both iconic magazines within Bauer Media. Bauer Media also uses cross media convergence, as they have their magazines online as well as printed, however for my magazine I’d keep the magazine printed and not put online to be able to keep profit.
How Bauer reach to the 22 million people in the UK is through a portfolio of world-class, multi-platform media and entertainment brands. Brands that Bauer publish include Heat, Kiss, Grazia, Empire, Magic and Absolute Radio.Bauer also have made magazines such as “MOJO” which cater for all types of music, and cater for mine as oriental music is a minority music genre in the UK therefore few publishers publish these genres however Bauer is known for music of all types and I am confident that they would publish my magazine too.
Bauer’s magazines tend to cost money, therefore it is beneficially on publishing my magazine as I tend to sell my magazine for money, due to the findings of my questionnaire I know that my magazine would be between £1.00 and £1.50, not too cheap and not too expensive.
I understand that children are easily accessible to magazine, but as my magazine is oriental orientated there isn’t a problem with the front cover, as artists (due to cultural reasons) tend to be covered up anyway, and Bauer’s music magazine don’t tend to be revealing, therefore it caters the needs of having my artist body covered.
A welcome known music programme published by Bauer is 4music. We can see that all types of music are published on this channel, but predominately popular music of each genre. As my genre is oriental pop, it can then easily promote the music on the channel, therefore get more people aware of the artists that might be in on my front cover.

The other institution I would use is Emap who owns industries, one of being retail, which is highly popular in today’s day and age.Emap first began in the 2000’s, were their aim is to get professional communities to work together and help them aim higher and progress together as a team. One way in which they do this is through senior networking events. Emap also publish a wide range of media platforms, not just magazines, such as apps and websites.
Some magazines that they have published is MEED which is aimed towards the middle-east, this is seen as beneficial considering that my music magazine is dedicated to the middle-east itself. Just like Bauer Media, Emap also uses cross media convergence, however unlike Bauer Media, Emap are able to transfer the magazines they publish into apps, for iPhone/iPad as well as making an online magazine.
I feel that Emap are also able to cater for my target audience, as many young adults own a Smartphone, that allows installation of apps, therefore they could find it more useful to read magazines through apps therefore Emap publishing the magazines on the apps, would allow the magazine reach to as many adults as possible.
As Emap are able to publicise the magazine on free apps, if they were the publish my music magazine it would have to be free, as hardly any copies would be bought if the audiences know they are able to view it online for free. Therefore unless the app costs money to download, the magazine would have to be free, however if Emap were able to charge for the apps, the app price would be the same as the magazine price of around £1.00 to £1.50.
In the magazine itself I know there would have to be controls within the magazine, such as foul language, explicit images as children are easily accessible to them, however I wouldn’t include them in my magazine anyway due to respect to the middle-eastern countries that wouldn’t include them in their magazines either, however considering that, on the apps I could be a bit more lenient on what I produce and type as the apps requires an adult with a debit/credit card to purchase it therefore I know children are less likely going to be able to view it.

Overall I will use Bauer Media as my publisher as they publish specifically to music magazines but of all genres, therefore this is applicable to my genre, however if not I would use Emap as my next option as they do also cater for many magazines and so on but I’d pick Bauer over Emap as Emap does not specifically specialise in publishing music magazines.

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